Little Reminders To Get Through Everyday Life


My Sitemap

Hierarchical Sitemap

  • A calendar offering a different just for today saying for each month of the year.
  • A calendar offering a different just for today saying for each month of the year.
  • Times are tough – and the world is often a hard place — and unfortunately we all have to deal with it at times, whether we want to or not. Of all things, it actually seems to help if I think of putting on those Big Girl Panties so I can deal with the world from a Bigger place.
  • You'll find some of my favorite says from the various card sets on these bookmarks. If yours isn't listed let me know and I can create your favorite for you.
  • I am dealing with the loss of physical abilities, and my friend, a single mom, is sending her last child off to college in the fall. These kinds of changes are so very hard to adjust to. We all need support going through change.
  • These Little Reminders address problems that occur when we have conversations with other people – whether one on one or in a group. While rereading my journal I ran across a list I had made of things I often do in conversations that I don’t like, and that got me started on this set of cards.
  • I was starting a promising new treatment for my chronic fatigue and I realized that I didn’t want to get in the way of any healing that was possible. I needed to tell my mind and body that it is OK to get well. I needed to believe that it is OK to get well and that it is possible for me to get well. I needed to WANT to get well. So, I wrote down these reminders and read them often. And ... I am MUCH better!
  • Not sure what to buy? Send a Gaynelle's Creations gift certificate to a friend so they can choose their own perfect card set.
  • These really came out of my trying to deal with grief over the death of Way too many people close to me – but there are so many kinds of loss in the world in addition to death – and these are to remind us that we can survive losses, even if we often would prefer not to.
  • These are just ten things that we ALL are worthy of - tho' I, at least, often forget that I am. So, here are my reminders to myself that I Am Worthy of at least these ten things. And so are you!
  • These are things I just want to choose to be or do. I CAN choose to do these things - it IS my choice. So, I choose to.
  • Somehow, when I just “choose to believe” something, the nay-sayers in my head take the day off!
  • I didn't think I wanted to make a set that seemed this "negative." But there are some things or qualities or actions that I just want to stop.
  • These are things that I can’t even imagine doing for a whole day – it is a miracle if I can do these for even a single moment, they are THAT hard for me to do. But I believe that doing them even for just a moment can make a difference, even if just the tiniest one.
  • These are reminders of things I would like to remember all day today - I KNOW I have just the hardest time remembering them At All... when I want to remember them all the time.
  • I was just soooo tired of being jealous of everybody ... and not liking my body and my life. It is just NO way to live. So I thought I’d start trying to change by flooding my mind with positive messages. These messages are about the total opposite of how I have always felt.
  • These messages are for whenever we are starting a new year in our lives. It could be the beginning of a new calendar year, a new school year, a new year after a catastrophic event in our lives, or it could be on the occasion of our birthday. We all need reminders that we can begin anew at ANY time and that WE are the only ones in charge of our attitude.
  • I was scheduled to be in charge of our annual meeting for the first time and I was filled with anxiety. So I wrote out the qualities that I wanted to exhibit at the meeting. I’ve used this set at every board meeting since then.
  • These cards make me look at love differently. I like this new view. I keep feeling unloved because there aren't enough PEOPLE who love me or who love me enough or in the right way. I had never seen love as something that is always around me. Now I’m using these words to try to become softer again, and to feel safe.
  • These sets are my desires to be a better person, the 1st set more internally - and the 2nd set more in relation to other people.
  • These are Little Reminders that just don't fit into any other category right now - but they are too important to forget.
  • This, these cards and my web site and all of the things that have flowed from that, are MY New Adventure. I've needed to write these sets to help me deal with this experience
  • Fun little note cards to send to your friends.
  • I didn't think I could write this set, being as I am not a parent per se. But I am an aunt and I have taught kids and I drew on those experiences to create the cards I need when I am in charge of kids. And I found as I wrote them that most of these cards apply to many situations in life - not just parenting.
  • These are prayers or appeals - to Whom ever you pray to, or to the Universe in general, or simply to your Inner Wisdom.
  • A friend of mine asked about a set of cards she could include in the greeting cards that she sends when someone is sick or grieving. And she wanted them to say "Please, God."
  • These remind me that I have choices in how I react to the world. I CAN act closer to how I want to. I CAN choose my behavior. I don't have to be a slave to my emotions or my conditioning. I CAN Change!!
  • These helped me live more in the moment and to care more about having a good time and less about being prepared.
  • When these ideas came to me, they came with the potential to change the way I think about the world and my place in it. For me, they were (and ARE) BIG thoughts! Any time I read any of them I have to stop and ponder ... “what if this “What if...” is actually true, completely and wholly??? What might that mean for me and the way I am in the world?? Is there some way that I can change to reflect this new view??” Each one rocked my world! I hope they rock your world too!

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